Review of sociology

Aims and scope

Review of Sociology is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of the Hungarian Sociological Association, which publishes mainly original social scientific analyses and publications related to the Hungarian sociological scene. The journal invites original research on Hungary and Central and Eastern European societies, as well as analyses of social processes affecting the region from a broader perspective. It also welcomes innovative theoretical and methodological contributions of a more general nature. 

It publishes four issues a year, each issue with a mixture of articles in Hungarian and English. The journal typically publishes one thematic issue per year, with guest editors assisting the editorial team. The journal is published in print and online.

In 2008, Review of Sociology received the Quality Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (“MTA”) and the Academy Publishing House. The journal is indexed in the following databases: Scopus, Google Scholar, MTMT, Dimensions, Lens, Scilit, CORE, and BASE. The publication of the journal is supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

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Archive issues 1991-2010

Archive issues 2011-2017





Dorottya Kisfalusi

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Réka Geambaşu

Dávid Erát
Dániel Havrancsik
Gergely Horzsa
Borbála Simonovits
Ráchel Surányi
Ádám Stefkovics
Kyra Tomay
Enikő Virágh

Anna Sára Ligeti


Access, open-access

All manuscripts published in the journal have gold open access quality and are therefore freely available for reading. The texts published in the journal may be used under the Creative Common BY-NC license: for a brief summary of the license, please see:

For authors

1. A paper submitted for publication may be an original work of authorship not yet published elsewhere (including on any website, such as a preprint server) and not under consideration by another journal. Conflicts of interest, whether due to funding or otherwise, should be indicated at the beginning of the manuscript, immediately below the abstract.

  1. Types of manuscripts

The Editorial Board welcomes manuscripts in the following categories: original papers, reviews (of any scientific work available in any world language), reports of scientific events.

  1. Language of manuscripts

The Editorial Board welcomes manuscripts in English and Hungarian.

  1. Basic requirements for manuscripts

4.1 The choice of topics should be sociologically relevant and fit the profile of the journal.

4.2 The structure of the manuscript follows international standards (introduction, literature review, socio-cultural context, methodology, results, conclusions).

4.3 Clearly formulate the research question and its theoretical and sociological relevance.

4.4 The manuscript presents the relevant and up-to-date literature and justifies the criteria and categories used in the analysis. 

4.5 Interpretation of the results is made in light of the limitations of the method and data.

5 Replicability

In the spirit of scientific transparency, the Editorial Board encourages manuscripts whose data source and/or other analytical material is accessible to other researchers and thus replicable. Such manuscripts will be given a special 'replicable research' label by the journal.

  1. Submission of manuscripts

Please submit papers by clicking on the Submit Manuscript button on the OJS page of the journal, after registration.
Manuscripts submitted via email will not be considered. Please preferably do not register with a gmail email address during OJS registration.

  1. Peer-review

The Editorial Board will decide whether to accept or reject the submitted manuscripts for peer review on the basis of the criteria listed in section 4.  If the Editorial Board decides to send the manuscript for peer review, the review process will be carried out in a double-blind peer review system. A manuscript will be evaluated by at least two reviewers.  Taking into account the reviews, the Editorial Board decides whether to accept, send back for revision or reject the manuscript.

  1. Preparation of the manuscript, formal requirements

8.1 Supported formats: manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word or in a format that can be opened and edited.

8.2 Checklist:

  1. an original, non-anonymized version of the paper to be published, including on the first page the first and last names of the author(s), institutional affiliation and email address, the title and abstract of the manuscript in Hungarian and English (maximum 200-200 words), and 3-5 keywords in Hungarian and English. Acknowledgments or grants, if any, should be included in the first footnote at the end of the title. The institutional affiliation and email address of the authors should be included in a footnote after the authors' names.
  2. an anonymized version of the paper to be published, identical to document 1, but without the authors' names, affiliations, references to their previous work, or identifiable projects. References to your own work in this version should be made in a way that does not reveal the identity of the author(s). For example, instead of this sentence: 'in our previous work (XY, 2000) we have shown that...', it should read 'based on XY (2000)...'.
  3. If graphs or tables are embedded in the manuscript in a non-editable format, they should also be included in a separate file in an editable format, if the authoring software allows this.
  4. Authors may send a cover letter to the editorial team with their manuscript, summarising the main points of the manuscript and their contribution to previous results. A cover letter is not a mandatory element of manuscript submission.
  5. Length of the manuscripts

As an original scientific paper, the Editorial Board expects manuscripts with the main text of approximately 40,000 characters (with spaces). The Editorial Board will only consider manuscripts longer than 60,000 characters or shorter than 40,000 characters in justified cases. In the case of reviews, papers between 12,000 and 20,000 characters (with spaces) are welcome.

  1. Citation style

The Review of Sociology's citation style can be downloaded for the Zotero reference management software at the following link:

In the manuscript, references should be included in the main text in the following format:

if the author of the work cited is mentioned in the text, the name should be followed in parentheses by the year of publication of the work cited and, where appropriate or in the case of a verbatim citation, the page number(s) cited, e.g. MacIntyre (1967: 35); in other cases, the content to be cited should be followed in parentheses by the name of the author(s), the year of publication and, where appropriate or in the case of a verbatim citation, the page number(s) cited, e.g. (Roth-Schluchter 1979: 35). For multiple-author citations, a reference of type (First author et al.) above three authors is requested. Footnote citation format is not accepted in manuscripts.

  1. Bibliography

Please include a bibliography, beginning on a separate page after the body of the text, entitled Bibliography. The bibliography should list all the literature cited in the text in strict alphabetical order by author name, so that in-text references can be identified in the bibliography. Please give only the first names of authors and editors, as in the examples below. In the case of dual authorship or editorship, use the hyphen "and". If there are more than two authors or editors, separate the names with a hyphen. The bibliography should not include a work not cited in the text.

In the bibliography, each item should be listed as follows:


Author(s) (year of publication): Title of work. Place of publication: name of publisher.  If available: link to DOI identifier

For example: Nagy J. (1999): A kert. Budapest: Kertész Kiadó.

Journal article

Author(s) (year of publication): title of the article. Name of the journal, serial number of the year (serial number of the issue): starting and ending page number of the article. If available: DOI identification link

e.g. Nagy J. (1999): Hogyan öntözzünk? Kertészet, 25(2): 23-35.

Article in a collective volume

Name of author(s) (year of publication): Title of article. In Name(s) of the editor(s) (editor or ed(s)) of the collected volume: Title of the volume. Place of publication: name of the publisher, start and last page number of the work referred to. If available: link to DOI identifier

e.g. Kis B. (1999): Mire jó a kapálás. In Nagy J. (szerk.): Kertészkedjünk! Budapest: Kertész Kiadó, 89-101.

DOI identifiers

Studies published in the journal are assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). For this reason, it is necessary that the bibliography includes the DOI identifier of all works cited, where available, in the format below:

The following search engines are recommended for searching for DOI identifiers:

  • free word search, even the whole bibliography can be copied into one search:
  • a search engine with more precise results, for example, you can search by author, title: 
  • general search:
  1. Tables, figures, formulas

Tables and figures in the text should be numbered and titled and inserted in the text. The titles of tables, columns, rows, and notes should be in the language of the article. We do not accept raw, unedited tables from data analysis and data processing programs that have been inserted into the text without editing. Figures must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Only black and white tables and figures are accepted. Figures must be inserted into the text in an editable form, not as images.

  1. Quotations

Quotations from literature or interviews should be marked with quotation marks and italics. Quotations of 40 words or less should be included in the text; quotations longer than 40 words should be indented on both sides of the text on a new line.

  1. Structure

The text should be divided into numbered headings and, where appropriate, subheadings. Where possible, authors should avoid bulleted lists. 

  1. Online appendices

The Review of Sociology offers the possibility of publishing online appendices. The editorial team recommends the use of online appendices, for example, if the appendices are necessary for understanding the manuscript but are extensive, or if the authors wish to attach media files to the manuscript for better understanding. In other justified cases, authors may also request the use of the online appendices option.  The online appendices will appear in the edited issue as a link to the online appendices page in digital format, which is clickable.

  1. Publication

After the peer review process, the Editorial Board decides on the acceptance of the manuscript, followed by linguistic and technical editing. The final, edited manuscript is first published online and can be cited using their DOI number. The print version will be published after the full issue has been compiled. One complimentary copy of the print issue will be mailed to the authors.