2024 annual meeting

Digitalisation and social change

Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association

University of Pécs, 27-29 November 2024

Our everyday life is increasingly transformed by digitalisation drawing attention to relatively easy to access digital skills that hold out the prospect of improving equal opportunities. At the same time, individual wellbeing and organizational success are still tightly bound up with transversal skills, such as resilience, creativity, critical and analytical thinking, teamwork and collaborative skills for innovation, creating potentially binding factors that shape structural advantages and disadvantages. How can these two kinds of skills, digital and transversal that people can improve upon in a wide array of life domains, including but not limited to education and work, become effective means of fostering equal opportunities? Or, on the contrary, under what circumstances do they turn out to be drivers of new inequalities?


The conference welcomes panel and session proposals on digitalisation, the role of new media and/or on transversal skills in several areas such as the transformation of organisations, occupations, social movements, solidarity, citizenship, education, care, paid and domestic work, gender division of labour, intergenerational relations; the mediatization of everyday life; safe media use, critical media literacy. Proposals are encouraged from a wide array of disciplinary and professional backgrounds.


As the conference is also the main occasion for the Hungarian sociological profession, the call is open to topics other than the above mentioned above. Panel and session proposals inviting the presentation of new research results in sociology are also welcome.


Panels and sessions in English are strongly encouraged to enable participation by international colleagues and students. The PhD student session in English has become popular in recent years and is to be convened this year as well.


The conference keynote speaker will be Eszter Hargittai, Professor at the University of Zurich, external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences



Organisers first call for session and panel proposals which will be reviewed by April 15, 2024. The call for papers to the session will open in May.


Deadline to apply is March 20, 2024


Panel proposals: name(s) of the organiser(s), names of presenters (including their affiliation), an abstract of max. 300 words in English.

Link to panel proposal submission: https://forms.gle/otbkiUgjFf7pKWBb9


Section proposal: name(s) of organiser(s) (including affiliation), an abstract of max. 300 words in English. Conference paper abstracts will be submitted to the selected sections.

Link to session proposal submission: https://forms.gle/c2nJGzySxHqvpCDp6


Call for conference paper abstracts: submission to sessions or as open call

Deadline to apply is May 31, 2024

Link to paper proposal submission: https://forms.gle/2MKviL2ZX61imVRQ9

The Organizers

Hungarian Sociological Association and University of Pécs