Szociológiai szemle

Katalin Tardos – Veronika Paksi
2018/4. szám
Katalin Tardos – Veronika Paksi
Understanding the impact of various diversity management (DM) practices in terms of theireffectiveness in achieving desired outcomes within the organisation is a prevalent research gap in thegeneral DM literature and the new stream of literature on DM in the research, development, and innovation(RDI) sector. Therefore, this article reviews the literature on gender diversity practices in RDI workplacesand how DM contributes to gender equality outcomes. For this purpose, we introduced a conceptualframework to demonstrate the interrelatedness of the forms and reasons for gender inequality, and thechoice of DM practices and their outcomes. Moreover, we compiled an extensive list of DM practices forpractitioners related to how to address the different forms and underlying reasons for gender inequality.Finally, by comparing the literature on DM outcomes in the business and the RDI sector, we concluded thatresearch on measuring the outcomes of DM practices was less developed for RDI organisations, but gapsof knowledge on the outcomes of DM practices prevailed in both sectors. Organisational contexts in whichspecific diversity practices were implemented had a significant role in determining their effectiveness,highlighting the relevance of the institutionalist theory.
Kulcsszavak angol: Gender Equality, Diversity Management, RDI sector, Academia, Diversity Management Outcomes